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Datacentre Consultancy & Storage Solutions

We design and build entire infrastructure for the customer’s business also maintain to enable a smooth business operation. Our consultancy experts cater to,

      * Datacenter Designing and Building
      * Data security, & regulatory compliance
      * Physical Security- Access control & surveillance system
      * Electrical Installations
      * Environment Threat Analysis
      * Environment monitoring systems & Rise floor solutions
      * Server / Telecommunication racks and cooling methods
      * Server, Storage, Messaging and Data Backup solutions
      * Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity solutions
      * Server Consolidation solutions
      * Solutions to overcome those problems


Current data flow the network demand more traffic ever before. Most of analog signals has been converted to digital, and it uses the existing data infrastructure. Reliability of the infrastructure should be maintained properly, and new infrastructure must comply with future cloud development. We provide the following services to cater those demands. Legacy systems been challenged by latest IT solutions, and one data cable control the whole world. We cater …

      * LAN, WAN, Premise Network cabling solutions
      * Enterprise Network Management solutions
      * Convergence of voice, data and video
      * Enterprise class voice solutions & IP based solutions (IP Telephony)
      * Network monitoring tools

Datacentre Environment Monitoring Systems

The system can handle the following thresholds, notifying to parties via, Web console, email, SMS, voice call, audible noise, and visual alarm beacon.

Monitor Temperature
The most common environmental threat in any server room or wiring closet is heat. Detect critical rises or drops in temperature and receive notifications when heating problems occur.

Monitor Humidity
Detect abnormal humidity conditions. You define the humidity levels that are appropriate for each sensor's environment.

Monitor power
Detect various conditions on the AC power (voltage changes, frequency changes ..) You define the levels that are appropriate for each sensor's environment.

Detect the Presence of Water
Whether it's a tripped sprinkler system or a flash flood, a server room or wiring closet is just about the last place you want to see water. Receive notification as soon as water makes an appearance.

Monitor Physical Security
Monitor "dry contact" devices including motion sensors, IP Camera, door sensors, vibration sensors and smoke detectors.

Network & DATA Security

Data and information are the most important assets of any organization. Information leakage has a significant impact on the existence of organizations, individuals, or governments. Therefore, securing information is not an option in today’s highly unsecure environment. It is highly difficult task to implement a security policy only by one appliance, and it is even more challenging to implement a perfectly secure environment. However, risk can be eliminated or minimized by adhering to the best practices of the industry and following standards as ITIL ect. Managed environments contribute to productivity of the employees, and efficiency of production in addition to the information security.

We cater to the following areas..

      * Network Security Management
      * Organizational Risk Assessment
      * Security Strategy and Roadmap
      * Security policy and Procedure Development
      * Perimeter Security solutions
      * Intrusion Detection solutions
      * Unified Threat Management solutions
      * Authorization, authentication and accounting solutions
      * Anti-virus/ anti-spam solutions
      * Professional & Consultancy services
      * Annual Maintenance contract